


Tramelan, Les Lovières 5, Salle de la Marelle: start and finish of all races.

Everything happens at the Salle de la Marelle in Tramelan. Locker rooms, showers, bib collection, the gymnastics hall (catering and results) as well as the start and finish area.

We strongly advise participants to favor public transport and carpooling. The train station is a 5-minute walk from La Marelle and parking lots are available nearby.  

You will find here a list of addresses where you can stay in Tramelan and its surroundings.

Possibility to eat during the event. Pasta, sandwiches and pastries will be offered as well as hot and cold drinks.

Photographers will be active along the routes to immortalize your passage.
The places will be indicated a little before so that you can prepare your most beautiful smile… Find here the photos of the previous editions.

Do you want to help with the successful completion of the Bernese Jura Trail and experience the event in a different way? Contact us at this address: sandrine@utjb.ch.

Thank you for your support for the success of the UTJB!